Teresa Seaton Fine Art Stained Glass Studio
For further inquiries email teresa@teresaseaton.ca or
Cell & Text (905) 510 5030
Drooping Sunflower, Goldfinch 2024
20 x 37
Copperfoil Stained Glass and Wire
From the Illuminations Series. I am blessed to be near a newly cultivated natural garden.
Ecologically, naturalized gardens encourage biodiversity of wildlife and promote
overall enhanced environmental quality (ie. air, water, soil).
In the fall they are a frenzied feeding ground for the American Goldfinch.
Although their distinctive revelry of
chirping chorus can be heard, it is almost impossible to see them.
Their bright colours are camouflaged in the dying amber of the Sunflowers that they feed upon.

Grindstone Creek, Osprey 2023
Size: 30 x 41
Media: Copperfoil Stained Glass and Wire
From the Illuminations Series.
This well adapted fishing fowl scoops up a Carp from the Grindstone Creek near my home.
The osprey’s long legs and large feet with specialized barbs on the pads, hooked talons,
and a reversible outer toe, allows them to easily grasp this invasive fish with two toes
pointing to the front and two pointing to the rear. The contrast of their wing span of 5.5 feet fold in on
themselves for this deadly strike at the same time creating a beautiful but fleeting dance in the air.
Credit to Bryce Aitken for reference photos.

Foraging, Northern Flicker 2023
Size: 23 x 23 Media:
Copperfoil Stained Glass and Wire
From the Illuminations Series. I have the pleasure of yearly hearing first and then seeing the stunning Northern Flicker as it passes from summer to winter across the area that I live in. They are part of the astonishing woodpecker family that’s tongue can protrude up to 2 inches past its beak. They are constantly on the search for slugs, ants, moths and beetles. Their favourite being the ants. They can eat hundreds at a single sitting. This tongue has the distinctive feature of rolling back into their upper mandible. Astonishing. $2,600.00

Winter Feed, Cedar Waxwing 2024
Copperfoil Stained Glass and Wire
Imagine walking on a sunny winter's afternoon to find hundreds of
Cedar Waxwings feasting on the winter berries available for them.
A constant flurry of movement with the odd bird stopping for a moment,
allowing the viewer to catch the bright yellow marking of the tail and the
bright red wax wings that she is so aptly named after.

Rose Windows • Four Seasons 2020
Copper foil and tinned copper wire - 24” diameter
Based on the archetypal rose window frame I have taken another stained glass iconic tradition of the four seasons and melded them together. However unlike the even geometry of traditional rose windows radiating from the center I chose to use an odd number of spokes in my windows. My dramatic use of colour and spun wire has created an inspiring collection of windows that speak to the ever changing colours that mother earth blesses us with in each passing stage of birth, life, death and rejuvenation.
Available from the artist
Autumn Colour

Winter Freeze

Spring Forsythia

Summer Sunset

Landscapes of Various Colours
(Colours shown may not be available)
9" Circles on wooden base
Available at Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery Shop
Fiddlehead Galaxy 2018
36 x 36
Copper foil and tinned copper wire - 36”
Diameter What began as a walk through the fern groves of south western New Zealand resulted in a stained glass rose window of birth, regeneration and the cosmos. To the indigenous Maori of NZ the fern represents new life and new beginnings. This is my gateway into my interpretation of the Iconic rose window. Each singular frond represents birth. Each Birth represents our place on the earth. My muted pallet was a personal choice to represent the depth of colour as you walk through such a wet and abundant environment. The lighting and its effect on this piece is reminiscent of the play of sun as it filters into the lush fern groves.
Available from Artist

Amiens Cathedral, South Transept Rose Window replica, 2021
Copper foil and tinned copper wire - 16” Diameter
Teresa was especially taken with the tracing of this High Gothic window from the outside. The detail in the architecture of the times shows up in its sculptural plasterwork. Teresa’s interpretation is emphasized by the shadows created on the background mirrored water glass, giving it a distinctive gothic look. Her use of gilding wax ages and enhances and ages the intricate wire work.
Available from Artist

Feathers for the Fallen Part II 2021
24” Diameter
31 herons died in August 2015 at an inactive sump pond at the Mildred Lake site, which at the time was not covered by Syncrude's waterfowl protection plan to deter birds from landing at tailings areas. Teresa was especially saddened to hear of yet more waterfowl deaths on the Fort McMurray, Alta. oil sands tailing ponds. This following the death of more than 1,600 ducks in 2008. (See Feathers for the Fallen) Birds have always been a source of inspiration for Teresa. Living along the path of many of our migrating friends she has taken a keen interest into their preservation and beauty. Five slender beaks of Canada’s largest Heron are leading into a red black center symbolizing the misguided trust that these birds showed in landing on what they thought were feeding grounds. The strength of their massive 2 metre wing spans could not save them from imminent death. Teresa has again chosen to break with traditional rose window motifs of equal radiating spokes from the centre but has chosen to embrace her design sensitivity towards the uneven or odd.
Available from Artist
after Suserrations Exhibition at Carnegie Gallery April 2024

Escarpment Views 2021
32" x 32” Back lit box.
Teresa is well known for her beautiful local landscapes, many of which feature birch and aspens trees found along the Niagara - Tobermory Escarpment. Her proximity to the escarpment and it’s ever changing colours is a constant source of inspiration for her. She has taken some of her well known escarpment designs and delicately interwoven them between the trees to come up with this stunning Quatrefoil Rose Window. Reminiscent of the Gothic Style of rose windows but with contemporary and local imagery.
Available from Artist

The Birds of the Woodland Cemetery 2021
Stained Glass stands of various heights, ranging from 12 - 18 inches high.
Another of Teresa’s personal experiences involves the birds that live around her own personal property. This includes the Woodland Cemetery across the road from her studio and continues to provide her with a wealth of inspiration. She is blessed to live in an area where almost any species can be spotted at the right time of the year, and with its nature sanctuaries located at the head of Lake Ontario and sheltered by the Niagara Escarpment there are always birds present. From the Robin that claimed her backyard as its personal training ground for her babies to the every so interesting Turkey Vultures that have adapted to cleaning up the organic mess we leave behind.
A series of 4-5 has been planned out so far.
Available from Artist
Rose Window Red Morph Eastern Sceech Owl
10" x 21"

Rose Window Turkey Vulture II 2024
17" x 35"
Copperfoil Stained Glass on stand Description: From the Birds of the Woodland Cemetery Series. One of my favorite of the Cemetery birds is the Turkey Vulture. Found ugly by some I find beauty in her grace of flight using the thermals to move so fluidly. I feel that she is the bird of the future as she feeds almost exclusively on carrion. She is a scavenger of decay, feeding off the waste that we leave behind in our wake of fast cars and careless living.

Three Sisters Yucca 2012
Five Layered Stained Glass in Stand.
24 x 18 x 8 stands 6 inches up from table top
Available from Artist

Rain Forest Rose Window 2020
27 x 27 - colours are reflective of their surroundings
Available from the Artist

Rose Window Background Info:
The earliest, plain circular openings of Romanesque churches were Oculi or eyes. As church structures became larger, the windows evolved with radiating segments to span greater diameters. While mason architects achieved new heights and technical achievement in church building, the tracery forms of windows became ever more intricate and flamboyant, even floral, which is how Rose Windows derive their name. The great roses of the Gothic period and later are the high point of this craft. AGOG's contemporary interpretation of Rose Windows reflect the themes of looking and seeing, the circularity of time and sacred geometries, and of course, inspiration through beauty and colour.
Hope Grows, 2021 AGOG
53” x 53“ x 3”
Six petal window with a hand made oak frame
Artist: John Jighley, Joe Speck, John Martin, Siobhan Lynch and Teresa Seaton
Available from Artists

Nests of Colour 2020
Green (SOLD), Red (SOLD), Blue (SOLD),Aqua (SOLD),
Spun Wire, Stained Glass and Brackets
Available only at Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery Shop
$325.00 each

Veneraton 2015 / 19
The library in the Charles Rennie MacKintosh building was raveged by fire in
May 2014 and again in 2018
Red represents the fire, Blue the water to douse the flames and
the Mystic the smoke that destroyed so much of the library
The rose shapes are reminiscent of the iconic Rennie Macintosh rose.
Can be hung vertically or horizontally.
Available from Artist
